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We create connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully.

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What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Learn about prevalence, signs & characteristics, causes, screening & diagnosis, and more.





  • Click in the specific event of your interest, more details specific for each event are provided..

  • Some events will require registration, please follow the provided link for that purpose.

  • For event that include minors and adults requiring supervision, please sign the waiver.

  • When attending please make sure that you are following the guidelines and requirements

  • established by our ASTV staff.



We are looking for

passionate people to:

  • Build Community Networks

  • Serve as Ambassadors

  • Develop Marketing and Fundraising Strategies

  • Recruit Volunteers

What we ask for?

  • Commit to at least a two year term

  • Adhere to our Code of Conduct
  • Participate in strategic planning
  • Participate in Committee work

  • Attend By-Monthly Board meetings and Committee meetings



We move forward together

Providing support to children, youth, and adults with Autism, their families and the professionals who serve them.

We are a local affiliate of the National Autism Society, founded in 1965.

Our Mission

We create connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully.

Our Vision

Creating a world where everyone in the Autism community is connected to the support they need, when they need it.

Support Us

Your gift will help support Autism education, awareness, advocacy, and most importantly, enable us to assist LOCAL individuals and families living with Autism

Everyone’s story is different...

The experience of Autism is not one thing. It is many things. It’s dreams, talents, relationships, victories, hurdles, and everything in between. The connection between those experiences is you.

You break the mold. No matter who you are, the person you are is infinite—and you are the only you there is.

You break the mold. No matter who you are, the person you are is infinite—and you are the only you there is.

National Programs

The Autism Society of America is dedicated to creating connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully.

As the nation’s oldest leading grassroots Autism organization, the Autism Society and its approximately 70 affiliates serve over half a million people each year. By championing initiatives that advance equitable opportunities in healthcare, education, employment, safety, and public policy, the organization executes a national reach, with meaningful local impact. Through education, advocacy, support and community programming, the Autism Society works towards a world in which everyone is connected to the support they need, when they need it.

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